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The key process of aluminum profile manufacturers

2021-12-26 10:20:10

(1) surface preparation treatment: the surface of the aluminum profile is cleaned by organic chemistry or physics, and the slot aluminum profile is exposed to the pure base material, so as to facilitate the detailed and high density human oxide film. It can also obtain mirror glass or no light (matte) surface according to mechanical equipment.

(2) Anodic oxidation: after surface preparation treatment of aluminum profile, under a certain technical standard, the substrate surface anodic oxidation, into a layer of high density, porous structure, strong adsorption AL203 film layer.

(3) Hole sealing: the porosity of the porous structure of the oxide film formed after anodic oxidation is closed, so as to improve the pollution treatment, corrosion resistance and wear resistance of the oxide film. The oxide film is colorless and transparent, and the strong adsorption force of the oxide film before sealing the hole is used, and some metal salts are adsorbed in the membrane hole, which can make the aluminum surface present many colors other than the primary color (silver), such as gray black, copper, orange yellow and stainless steel plate color.

Characteristics and properties of aluminum profiles treated by various surface processes of 60120 aluminum profiles

Gauze material aluminum: grinding yarn surface aluminum prevents the bright aluminum in adornment material has a certain natural environment, the influence of standards can produce light of the defect, it as meticulous soft surface, such as silk, is well received by the market, but the yarn material be sure to get rid of the surface grinding fine sand is not symmetrical, and can see clump planting enough. The destruction of intergranular composition leads to direct crystal contact, scientific grain size, intergranular and intragranular cracking, etc., which have significant harm to the transformation of resistance value. The former two causes the resistor to decrease with increasing deformation capacity, and the latter vice versa.

The key process of aluminum profile manufacturers

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